Victim Resources
Our office is very committed to helping our citizens and community. On a daily basis we see the needs many of our citizens have, the financial burdens, family members battling drug-alcohol or other addictions, unemployment, and criminal or civil liabilities.
We also see the frustrations of many people making bad choices, ending up in jail or prison, and never escaping the repetitive path through the criminal justice system. We see people who grew up in good families and fall into the wrong path. We see people who grew up only wondering when mom or dad would get released or returned to jail or prison and still believe this is a normal way of life.
We believe law enforcement organizations are only as good as our worst employee and no better then the citizens we serve. We know the importance of being involved with our community and interact with our citizens at all levels. We strive to consistently demonstrate good choices and good actions are rewarded and good citizenship pays dividends.
Helpful Information for Crime Victims
1. VINE Services: Anyone who is a crime victim may you may enroll in a program to help keep you notified of the location of the suspect if he/she is in custody either in a county jail or in prison. (Note: Occasionally some counties and the Department of Corrections information will not be available to VINE.)
Go to the web site and then click on the state you are in. For crimes in Missouri click on the State of Missouri and follow the directions. If someone does not have the Internet they may call 866566-8267 or TTY Users may call 866-847-1298.
VINE Services is free of charge and is very useful for many crime victims.
2. Crime Victim Advocate (CVA): Ms. Kellie Kost is currently serving as our CVA. This is a grant funded position in Miller County and our CVA is housed in the Office of Miller County Prosecuting Attorney Ben Winfrey on the 3rd floor of the Miller County Courthouse. You may reach her by calling 573-369-1940. The CVA is there to help keep you informed and involved in the Court process. As a victim you have certain rights.